ЛГБТ Престъпления от омраза /(LGBT Hate Crime)

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Метрополна Полиция (Metropolitan Police) разглежда сериозно престъпленията срещу ЛГБТ общността (лезбийки, гей, би и транс сексулани). Ако сте жертва на ЛГБТ престъпление от омраза трябва да го докладвате на Полицията. Всички полицаи са тренирани за толерантност и ще приемат каквото им споделите сериозно и без лично отношение.

Всяка област в Лондон има поне един обозначен полицай отдаден за помощ на жертви на престъпления от омраза.

Ако искате де се свържете с тях можете да намерите техните детайли на уеб страницата на Метрополна полиция (Metropolitan Police). Ако не сте сигурни как да го направите можете да се свържете с ЛГБТ екипа в Нюхам и те ще ви помогнат.

Лондон е най-мултикултурната столица в Европа.

Всеки гражданин има правото да живее своя живот без презразсъдъци.

Вашите права са подсигурени от съда.

Престъпленията от омраза са нарушемие на закона.

Не ги допускайте!

Докладвайте ги!


Наберете 101 ( Не Спешен слуай)

Наберете 999 ( Спешен слуай)


За да се свържете с ЛГБТ екипа в Нюхам пратете имейл на:




May 24 2018 is the National Day of Culture and Slavic Script.

It is a public holiday in Bulgaria.

The holiday celebrates Saints Cyril and Methodius – two 9th century Byzantine priests who devised the Glagolithic alphabet – which went on to become the Cyrillic script.

Today the Cyrillic script is used by over 300 million people in 12 countries.

As such the holiday marks an event of enormous cultural significance. Many east European nationals currently living in London use the Cyrillic script as a first point of reference

The Cyrillic alphabet.


Newham LGBT have decided to focus on London’s Bulgarian community for May’s “Other Side of Diversity” initiative.


Bulgarians in the UK.

According to the Office for National Statistics in 2015 approximately 69,000 Bulgarian nationals were living in the UK – an estimated 30,000 in London.

As such this represents one of the smaller east European communities currently living in London.

Demographically Haringey is home to the largest number of Bulgarians.

Newham falls on a long list of boroughs with Bulgarian residents including Barking and Dagenham, Ealing and Sutton.

The Plovdiv Café, Haringey.

Historical Background.


From the end of the Second World War until the early 1990’s Bulgaria was firmly in the socialist bloc of Eastern Europe. It experienced a hard line communist regime under Todor Zhivkov. It gained notoriety in the UK in September 1978 when members of its secret police stabbed Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov in the leg with a poisoned umbrella on a London street.

Cold War skulduggery that seems surprisingly relevant!

Bulgaria joined the European Union in 2007. Its citizens gained freedom of movement within the EU in 2014. This was the date from which the vast majority of the current population came to the UK.


LGBT in Bulgaria.

Attitudes within Bulgaria on this issue are deeply conservative.

A 2015 European Union poll showed 65% against same sex marriage.

Hate Crimes towards members of the LGBT community are not uncommon and are often not investigated.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has been very vocal in its opposition to the LGBT community.

One of its members publicly stated that LGBT individuals should be stoned.

The subject is taboo to the extent of rendering Hate Crime statistics almost impossible to collate.

Having said that same sex activity is legal, there is now an equal age of consent and anti-discrimination laws in the work place have been passed.

The first Pride March took place in Sofia in 2008. It was attended by 150 people and the marchers were attacked by petrol bombs, rocks and glass bottles.

By 2017 the numbers attending Pride had risen to over 3000. Representatives from over 18 diplomatic missions, political parties and media groups attended to show their support.


GLAS Foundation.

The GLAS Foundation is a non-governmental organisation established in 2014.

It is the largest LGBT support group in Bulgaria.

Its web page states:

“Our vision is of full participation of LGBT people in all aspects of life and society”.

Based in Sofia the organisation also participates in the “Work It Out” initiative which seeks to promote inclusivity in the workplace.

The web page can be reached via:

www.glasfoundation.bg (English translation available)

Email: help@glasfoundation.bg

They also have a Facebook page.




Budilnik – The UK’s Bulgarian newspaper – was founded in May 2001.

It has a circulation of around 5000 and is published every week.

Hate Crime Letter.

The team have had their Hate Crime letter translated into Bulgarian.

A copy is attached – please feel free to print off and use.


We would like to say a big Thank You to Tatyana Nikolova for translating our letter into Bulgarian – and to Emil Rusanov at Budilink.

Best wishes

Douglas Waterman

Newham LGBT.






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